Our launch event on 31st January 2017 was attended by 150 delegates from across industry, universities, Catapult centres and sponsors.

Prof. Iain Todd speaking at the MAPP launch event - Prof. Iain Todd speaking at the MAPP launch event
Iain Todd, MAPP Director

Presentations from MAPP’s academic partners highlighted how leading edge research is being applied to provide new insights on advanced powder processes and how this new understanding is leading to improved outcomes for UK manufacturing.

MAPP Director and RAEng Chair Professor Iain Todd, gave an overview of MAPP’s vision and how MAPP aims to address the challenges and opportunities surrounding advanced powder processes through an ambitious interdisciplinary research programme. Professor Peter Lee, from the University of Manchester and the Research Complex at Harwell, spoke about how experiments at the UK’s Diamond Light Source are providing new information on the fundamental physics and chemistry of technologies such as additive layer manufacturing.  Professor Andrew Bayly, from the University of Leeds, discussed how physical models can give a better understanding of the dynamic behaviour of powders in processes and some of the challenges associated with powder processing.

Two attendees networking at the MAPP launch event - Two attendees networking at the MAPP launch event

Professor Iain Todd explained “It’s an exciting time for powder based processes with new opportunities opening up rapidly in a range of key sectors including aerospace, energy, automotive and healthcare. However, there are still some fundamental scientific issues to be addressed before these technologies can be adopted more widely.  MAPP brings together leading UK researchers, industry and the High Value Manufacturing Catapult to achieve right first time manufacturing for advanced powder processes and develop the next generation of manufacturing technologies. The EPSRC Future Manufacturing Hubs are key element in our approach to tackling the UK’s productivity gap and solving some of the longer term challenges faced by the UK’s manufacturing industry".

Alison Wagland speaking at the MAPP Launch - Alison Wagland speaking at the MAPP Launch
Alison Wagland, Johnson Matthey

Presentations from MAPP’s industry partners outlined the opportunities for advanced powder processes, some of the challenges which need to be overcome, and how the research in MAPP, together with aligned programmes funded by industry and UK Government, are overcoming the challenges and delivering benefit for UK productivity and growth.

Four attendees during the poster session at the MAPP launch event - Four attendees during the poster session at the MAPP launch event

Dr Alison Wagland, Technology Manager at  Johnson Matthey, spoke about the use of powders in the production of catalysts for emission control and batteries for energy storage. Dr Rob Sharman, Global Head of Additive Manufacturing at GKN Aerospace, highlighted the opportunities for metal additive manufacturing in aerospace and the need to design new materials and powders which were tailored specifically for these new processes. Dr Phil Carroll, Chief Executive Officer at LPW Technology, spoke about the need to understand manufacturing from the perspective of the powder and the need for quality, traceability and consistency of powder materials.

Attendees networking at the MAPP launch event - Attendees networking at the MAPP launch event

Dr Richard France, Senior Business Development Manager at MAPP said: “We’ve developed a strong vision and plan for MAPP together with our industry, academic and Catapult partners. Today has given us the opportunity to share our vision and plans for MAPP with a wider network so we can start to develop new opportunities for collaboration. The breadth of sectors attending and the feedback we’ve received demonstrates the appetite and need for MAPP.”


Presentations -

Iain Todd, MAPP Director, University of Sheffield - ‘MAPP’s vision and research programme’

Peter Lee, University of Manchester and Research Complex at Harwell - ‘X-ray synchrotron imaging of additive manufacturing: from metrology to process control’

Phil Carroll, LPW Technology - ‘Metal AM from the perspective of the powder’

Iain Todd, MAPP Director, University of Sheffield - ‘Prevention is better than cure’

Richard France, MAPP - 'Next steps and getting involved'