World-leading experts - including MAPP Scientific Advisory Board Chair Professor Tresa Pollock - are set to speak at MAPP’s First International Conference in January.

The conference, on Tuesday 30th and Wednesday 31st January in Sheffield, will bring together experts in the areas of particulate and powder science, - with a particular focus on in-situ process and performance characterisation; advanced characterisation; and modelling, optimisation and control.

This key event will be taking place one year after MAPP held its successful launch event and will showcase leading advances in powder based processes from world-leading experts.

MAPP Director and RAEng Chair, Professor Iain Todd, University of Sheffield, is pleased to announce a varied programme including an expert panel, chaired by Sophie Jones, General Manager, Added Scientific, looking at the question ‘From Research to Results: Is powder research responding to industry’s needs?’

He said: “Together with our partners at the Universities of Leeds, Manchester, Oxford and Imperial College London, we are working towards the application of new technologies to drive right first time manufacturing for advanced powder processes.

“This conference will provide a great opportunity to share new insights across both academia and industry to overcome the challenges facing adoption of these advanced processes.”

The conference is expected to attract 150 delegates and has a stellar line-up of international experts providing the keynote presentations:

  • Professor Carolin Körner, Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, ‘Towards self-regulating AM systems via combining SEBM and SEM.’
  • Professor Javier Llorca, IMDEA Materials Institute, Madrid, ‘A roadmap for multiscale modelling of processing and properties of metallic alloys.’
  • Professor Jin Ooi, University of Edinburgh, ‘Computational modelling of powder processes from model conceptualisation to industrial application.’
  • Professor Tresa Pollock, University of California, ‘3D analysis of structure and defects at the scale of the melt pool.’
  • Professor Barbara Previtali, Polytechnic of Milan, ‘Temporal beam shaping in Selective Laser Melting: molten pool sensing during continuous and pulsed wave laser processing.’
  • Professor Fabrice Rossignol, French National Centre for Scientific Research, ‘Additive manufacturing of complex microreactors for intensified catalytic processes: the case of H2 production by steam methane reforming.’

Speakers from industry include:

  • Neil Harrison, LPW Technology Ltd, ‘Measurement, control and prediction of metal powder evolution with serial laser powder bed fusion processing.’
  • Erik Denlinger, Autodesk Inc, ‘Part-Level thermomechanical simulation for Additive Manufacturing.’
  • Stefanie Freitag, Carl ZEISS Microscopy GmbH, ‘Advanced 3D Correlative x-ray and FIB-SEM study on selective laser molten gear wheel parts.’

In addition to the high-calibre presentations, MAPP will also be announcing the details of its new feasibility funding call.

The conference is attracting interest from a variety of sectors and is gaining support from across the industry. To secure a place visit  as soon as possible as registration closes soon.