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FAST-forge featured in Engineering Materials
12 / 06 / 18
MAPP researcher Dr Nicholas Weston, University of Sheffield, spoke to Engineering Materials about FAST-forge and how reducing titanium production costs allows a broader range of applications.
Field assisted sintering technology (FAST), also referred to as spark plasma sintering (SPS) or pulsed electric current sintering (PECS), enables a wide range of material powders (including ceramics, metals, and composites) to be rapidly sintered to high densities; often at lower temperatures, for shorter times, and with an improvement in microstructure and/or properties when compared to conventional sintering techniques.
The FAST-forge process produces forged components from powder in two simple steps [1,2].
Metallic powder is shaped into a forging preform using FAST, followed by a one-step precision forge to improve the mechanical properties and fatigue performance of (in some cases) safety critical components for both the aerospace and automotive sectors.
Click here to view the article.
1. N. S. Weston, F. Derguti, A. Tudball, and M. Jackson, J. Mater. Sci. 50, 4860 (2015).
2. N. S. Weston and M. Jackson, J. Mater. Process. Technol. 243, 335 (2017).
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