The paper Characterisation and correlation of areal surface texture with processing parameters and porosity of High Speed Sintered parts, in the journal Additive Manufacturing, investigated "the areal surface texture of High Speed Sintered parts and correlated it with the process parameters (sinter speed, lamp power and ink grey level), porosity and mechanical properties," (Zhu et al 2020). 

The layout of the building process on the HSS system. - This image shows the layout of the building process on the HSS system. Arrows point to the infrared lamp, samples, hopper and the edge of the effective build area.

High Speed Sintering is an advanced powder bed fusion polymer additive manufacturing (AM) technique aimed at economical production of end-use parts in series manufacture.

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A set of test samples produced by the HSS process - Five test samples are shown lined up above a ruler. The test samples were produced by the HSS process.
A set of test samples produced by the HSS process

All images published under Creative Commons CC-BY license. Zhu, Z., Lou, S., Majewski, C., (2020) Characterisation and correlation of areal surface texture with processing parameters and porosity of High Speed Sintered parts, Additive Manufacturing, 36, 101402