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MAPP Lecture Series - Dr Sophie Cox
We are delighted to welcome Dr Sophie Cox, Associate Professor in Healthcare Technologies, University of Birmingham as our next guest speaker in the MAPP Lecture series.
The lecture will be given on at Lecture Theatre 21, E Floor, Sir Robert Hadfield Building, University of Sheffield, Mappin Street, S1 3JD, at 11.15am and will be followed by a lunch and an opportunity to speak with the lecturer. To register to attend please email, stating any dietary requirements.
An Overview of the Centre for Custom Medical Devices
In this talk Dr Cox will give an overview of research being conducted with the Centre for Custom Medical Devices at the University of Birmingham.
The team’s work is focused on exploiting additive manufacturing processes to improve the performance of implants for the repair of bone tissue.
Dr Cox will share a number of case studies highlighting how we can expand the value of these devices beyond anatomical customisation adding functionality through the surface or altered implant designs. Alongside these examples she will also share work done by the team during the COVID pandemic to deliver a novel approach to personalise PPE.
This will be a live event in LT21, Sir Robert Hadfield Building, Mappin St, Sheffield S1 3JD, followed by lunch in the Sir Robert Hadfield Building Turner Museum.
To register to attend please email, stating any dietary requirements.