We are delighted to welcome Professor Adam T. Clare, University of Nottingham, as our next guest speaker on Monday 7th June, from 14:00 to 15:30.

He will give the lecture Metal Additive Manufacturing: What Next?

The lecture will be given via Blackboard Collaborate. It will be followed by a short talk, titled Towards Perfect Powders: New Methods for Powder Modification and Re-Use in AM, to be given by Dr James Murray, University of Nottingham.

Click here to access the event.

The MAPP Lecture Series began in November 2017 with a lecture by Professor Richard Leach, University of Nottingham. This is the 13th in the series of lectures.

Prof. A.T. Clare, University of Nottingham
Professor Adam T. Clare, University of Nottingham.

Lecture abstract

Metal additive manufacturing (AM) has rapidly become an important research topic, but also an underpinning technology for a range of emergent research fields.

From humble beginnings driven by crude machine tools to sophisticated, robotised production systems; metal AM has moved away from a laboratory peculiarity towards an established production technique. So what next?

This talk will explore AM research activity from within Prof. Clare's team relating to the key challenge areas in his view (materials, processes and design) which will drive this technology forwards over the next ten years. It will examine the shortfalls in our knowledge and the physical phenomena that must be mastered in order exploit the full potential of these technologies. Through new insight into the processes-material interaction coupled to design and more established technologies, there is hidden capability awaiting our attention.

The discussion will conclude with a personal view of the materials and manufacturing challenges that face humanity as developed nations enact ‘net-zero’ manifestos. The role manufacturing technology will play in delivering net zero cannot be overstated as we approach a nexus of excess demand for materials and energy. It is apparent that we are yet to devise the building block technologies that will allow us to thrive under increasingly challenging conditions. We will dedicate some time to consider a vision for manufacturing in 2050 and the level of resilience that will be required to maintain and perhaps enhance our way of life.


Prof. Clare is currently a Professor of Manufacturing Engineering and holds the Rolls-Royce/Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chair at the University of Nottingham, where he has been an academic since 2010. He has had Fellowships during this time at various research centres of excellence including the University of Tokyo, AMRC/MTC and a secondment to Rolls-Royce Submarines.

His research focuses on the use of non-traditional manufacturing methods to arrive at net shape while inducing favourable material properties. He is particularly interested in developing new manufacturing methods and materials for use in the high value manufacturing sectors including aerospace, tooling, and biomedical engineering. In these competitive markets, product differentiation is often directly linked to additional functionality or performance. Through the development of new manufacturing technologies and materials his team endeavours to deliver this.

He currently has Editorial roles with the Journal of Materials Processing Technology (subject editor), Manufacturing Letters (Editorial board) and the International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture (reviewing committee).

He is also a Founder, Director and Scientific Advisor to Texture Jet Ltd and Scintam Engineering Ltd which are University of Nottingham spin-out companies.

Recent publications

A. Speidel, D. Xu, I. Bisterov, J. Mitchell-Smith, A. T. Clare* (2021) Unveiling surfaces for advanced materials characterisation with large-area electrochemical jet machining. Materials and Design.
A. la Monaca Z. Liao, J. Murray, A. Speidel, D. Ushmaev, D. Axinte, M. Hardy, R. M'Saoubi, A.T. Clare* (2021) Surface integrity in metal machining - Part II: functional performance. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture.
S. Sanchez, C. J. Hyde, I. A. Ashcroft, R. G. Aswathanaraynaswamy, A. T. Clare* (2021).  Multi-laser scan strategies for enhancing creep performance in LPBF. Additive Manufacturing.
A.T. Clare*, A. Gullane, C. Hyde, S. Sankare, J.W. Murray, W.W. Wits (2021).  Interlaced layer thicknesses within single LPBF Geometries. CIRP Annals.