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Made Smarter Innovation Webinar Series: Materials Made Smarter Centre
MAPP Director Prof. Iain Todd will speak at this event which is part of the Made Smarter Innovation Webinar Series.
This webinar is titled Introducing the Research Centres & Innovation Hubs: Materials Made Smarter Research Centre.
The Materials Made Smarter Centre, led by Prof. Iain Todd, is working towards the digitalisation of materials-intensive industries, such as metals, ceramics, and composites. This centre researches underpinning digital technologies and is developing an understanding of the social and organisational changes that will be required to adopt digitalisation of materials, and is demonstrating this within the partnership EPSRC Future Manufacturing Hubs - including MAPP.
Made Smarter Innovation Webinar Series
The Made Smarter Research Centres and Innovation Hubs represent a crucial component in the UK’s approach to commercialising emerging technologies and creating that national-level growth element through creating early-stage, transformative innovative ideas, that cover both the technological and societal aspects. The centres and hubs target a specific area to drive that growth and collate engagement across the innovation landscape.
The webinars are a platform to learn, ask questions, network, and form connections with people across industry, academia, and government.
The webinars are open to anyone interested in learning more about these innovative ideas and digital technologies, not only from a manufacturing background but from any sector curious about the innovation of future technologies to drive their business forward, with growth opportunities and numerous other benefits.